Fed up with your colleagues complaining about your office's internet speed or WiFi signal? There are a few things you can do to improve your wireless network and internet speed, but first, you need to identify the cause. Slow WiFi can have many different causes, and as such, can also have many different fixes, but don't fear! Trial some of the solutions below to see if you can improve your slow speeds or weak WiFi signal.
Typical causes of slow WiFi and weak signal
1. Your office's building materials
Believe it or not, it could be your actual office causing your issues! One of the biggest causes of slow speeds and weak WiFi signals is the material your office is made from. Materials such as metal, brick, concrete, and wood can all interfere with RF signals such as WiFi and cellular.

We get it, though, you can't exactly knock down the walls and rebuild the entire place. However, you can try adding more routers to your network or replacing your current routers with long-range ones.
2. Distance from the router
This is another one that is affected by your office size and layout. Your distance to the router can dramatically impact your connection speed. The further away you are, the weaker your signal will be, and the slower your connection.
Again, this can be remedied by adding additional routers, signal boosters, and long-range routers.
3. Router position: Higher or lower?
No, we're not asking you to go all Bruce Forsyth (RIP), although if you Play Your Cards Right, this could be an easy fix for your weak signal! If your routers are placed low in cupboards, behind furniture, or under desks, you're definitely providing a good blocker on your signal.

Raise your routers up to higher points in the room (mounted to walls or ceilings) and allow your signal to be transmitted more effectively across your office space.
4. Old routers
Old technology can be a hugely influential element of your slow WiFi speed. Internet connections have dramatically improved over the last 5 to 10 years, and as such, that once shiny router you have, may well not be performing optimally for the broadband speeds that you pay for.
In this day and age, we recommend dual-band routers, capable of providing simultaneous support for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz signals. This means that no matter the age of the device being used, a suitable wireless connection will be available.
It's a bit like putting budget tyres on a supercar. There's plenty of power, but no grip.

5. Filled to the brim
Talking of budget, the routers provided by your internet service provider (ISP) will often be cheap and cheerful, and not the most suitable solution for your office's requirements.
With a large number of devices connecting to your network, if your router(s) isn't designed to handle large amounts of traffic, you'll be seeing a lot of slowdowns, as your router struggles to keep up.
The hidden causes of slow WiFi
1. Change the channel and avoid interference
A big cause of WiFi issues is digital interference. Our buildings are filled with digital devices that emit radio frequencies, and these can cause interference with your connection to your routers. Once your connection is weakened, your speed will be too.
Devices such as microwaves, bluetooth mice and keyboards, cordless phones, and even your video doorbell are all emitting signals, and for the most part, they're on the same 2.4GHz channel you're using for your WiFi.
Try switching to 5GHz if you have a suitable device, as this channel tends to be less congested.
2. Congestion and throttling
If your area is a highly built-up area, or your staff are spending most of their day streaming last night's episode of Eastenders while they work, you may find yourself on the end of throttling from your ISP. This slows down the speed coming into your building, and will, in turn, slow down any subsequent connections to your WiFi.
Even if your contract states "Unlimited bandwidth", somewhere deep down in the pits of hell, there'll be a term that states that heavy data usage can be throttled by your ISP. If you're unsure which type of connection is best for your business, talk to an expert and let them identify a solution for you.

3. You're the victim of some 2022 Bonnie and Clyde shenanigans
If you're still unsure what could be causing your slow WiFi issues, it might be worth checking out which devices are currently connected to your network. It is possible, but unlikely, that you have external users stealing your WiFi.
The very bare minimum of any network should be a secure password, but if for any reason you don't have one, it's possible your office neighbours are making the most of an opportunity to steal your bandwidth.
You can log in to your router or network's admin dashboard to check connected devices, or if you're unsure, get in touch with us today so we can give you a hand.
4. Time for an upgrade
It's not all caused by those sneaky guys who sit in dark rooms and have no face, though. It's quite possible that your business, staff, and usage has simply outgrown your current internet provider or connection.
Consider upgrading your line to a higher speed and bandwidth. If you have the option, choose fibre connections to take advantage of super-fast speeds.

We design and deploy effective WiFi network solutions
If terms like WiFi, broadband, fibre optic, ISP, simply turn your brain into mashed potato, why not have a chat with our experienced specialists today, and let Haptic design and deploy an effective WiFi network for your business or school? We've been in the game for over 10 years and we have experts on hand to answer any question.
Simply reach out to us today by email or by phone and we'll put you on the right track.